College Station Roofing | Understanding and Addressing Wind-Damaged Shingles

Your roof is your home's first line of defense against the elements, but it's also the most exposed part of your house. High winds, in particular, can wreak havoc on your roofing system, causing damage that ranges from minor to severe. In this blog, we'll dive into the world of wind-damaged shingles, exploring what causes it, how to identify the signs, and what steps you should take to address this common roofing issue.

The Causes of Wind-Damaged Shingles:

Before we delve into how to address wind-damaged shingles, let's understand what causes them in the first place:

  1. Wind Speed: High winds, especially during storms or severe weather events, can exert immense pressure on your roof. The faster the wind, the greater the risk of shingle damage.

  2. Shingle Age and Quality: Older shingles, or those of lower quality, are more vulnerable to wind damage. Over time, they can become brittle and less adhesive.

  3. Improper Installation: Shingles that are not properly secured during installation are more likely to be lifted or torn off by strong winds.

Identifying Wind-Damaged Shingles:

Spotting wind-damaged shingles is essential for timely repairs. Here's how you can identify the signs:

  1. Missing Shingles: The most obvious sign is missing shingles. If you notice gaps in your roof's surface, it's likely due to wind damage.

  2. Lifted Shingles: Wind can lift shingles, creating an uneven appearance. This may not be as noticeable from the ground, so it's essential to inspect your roof up close.

  3. Cracked Shingles: Wind can cause shingles to crack or break along their edges, compromising their integrity.

  4. Granule Loss: Excessive wind can dislodge the granules on shingles, leaving them exposed and vulnerable to further damage.

  5. Loose Flashing: Wind can also damage the flashing around chimneys, vents, and other roof penetrations, leading to potential leaks.

Addressing Wind-Damaged Shingles:

Timely action is crucial to prevent wind-damaged shingles from causing further issues. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Safety First: Before inspecting or repairing your roof, ensure your safety. Use proper safety equipment, and if you're uncomfortable with heights or the conditions, consider hiring a professional.

  2. Assessment: Carefully examine your roof for any signs of damage. Take note of missing, lifted, or cracked shingles.

  3. Temporary Repairs: If you notice missing or lifted shingles, you can make temporary repairs by securing them with roofing cement or sealant. This will help prevent water infiltration until a professional can assess and fix the damage.

  4. Professional Inspection: Contact a roofing professional to conduct a thorough inspection and assess the extent of the damage. They can recommend the appropriate repairs or replacement.

  5. Preventative Measures: To prevent future wind damage, consider upgrading to more wind-resistant shingles and ensuring proper installation.


Wind-damaged shingles are a common issue that homeowners face, particularly in regions prone to severe weather. Identifying and addressing wind damage promptly is essential to preventing more extensive and costly repairs down the line. Regular roof maintenance and investing in quality roofing materials can help protect your home and prolong the life of your roof, ensuring it continues to provide shelter and security for years to come.


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